What's Consuming Your Mind?

How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore, the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. ~ Psalm 36:7

What consumes your mind will eventually consume you.

The society David describes at the beginning of Psalm 36 is not much unlike ours.

  • No fear of God before their eyes
  • A world flattered with themselves
  • Mouths filled with deceit and wickedness
  • Devising ways to do harm
  • Determined to do bad
  • Embracing sin instead of despising it.

Is that not a good description of modern-day society, yet it was written thousands of years ago?

Man hasn’t improved on sinful nature.

Instead, now we have advanced technology to enhance and display our sinful nature.

In verse 5, David made an abrupt turn. He didn’t allow the wickedness he had witnessed to consume him. Instead, he begins to reflect on the goodness of God.

  • God is merciful (5)
  • God is faithful (5)
  • God is righteous (6)
  • God is just (6)
  • God is our protector (6,7)
  • God is love (7)
  • God provides (8)

If you choose to spend your day consumed by politics and the wickedness of our society, then don’t be surprised if you find yourself irritable, frustrated, discouraged, and more.

But, if you choose to spend your day consumed by the character of God, the promises of God, and His Word, you will find yourself filled with hope, peace, rest, joy, and more.

The choice is ours. What will we allow to consume our attention?