What If Things Don't Change?

We have made it to the final days of 2020!

Did anyone picture this year going the way it did? When this year began I thought face masks were only worn by doctors, bank robbers, and serial killers and now I can’t remember what any of my friends look like without a mask.

This year has been marked by death, riots, political unrest, and even on Christmas day… a bombing. 

Here is the worst part…2021 isn’t guaranteed to be any different. 

So what if things don’t change? How should I approach this next year? Here are a couple of ideas:

Option 1

Panic…live in worry and fear. Fill your stomach with knots and your days with complaining of how bad everything is. Convince yourself that everyone is out to get you, maybe even God. Fill your schedule with mind-numbing activities that keep you from church, God’s Word & prayer.

With this approach, you will drive yourself crazy and leave those around you either filled with worry or dreading the thought of being around you.  Your life will spin out of control and lead to much pain and disappointment.

As a Christian, you will make God look small, unloving, and undesirable to others and leave yourself with nothing but doubts and questions.


Option 2

Fix your heart and mind on the character of God. Get into the Bible and read of men and women that faced greater difficulties, but saw the salvation of the Lord.

Glorify God with your faith and attitude during these times and point others to hope in Jesus Christ. Get on your knees and talk to God about your worries and cast all your cares to Him. 

Establish good routines in your life that will build you up spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Surround yourself with godly men or women to mentor you and keep you accountable in the routines you have established.

This approach will not only strengthen you, but it will build up others around you and glorify God. It will give you the stability that can overcome whatever 2021 throws at you.

What will it be?

Don’t let “circumstances” control your life and send you on a roller coaster of emotions through 2021. Draw close to God and trust His sovereign hand in your life to navigate you through whatever days lie ahead.

Get out a pen and paper. Take 30 minutes to sit down and write out some plans for this year like these listed below that will help you daily.

  • Begin each day in prayer and giving of thanks
  • Establish a plan to read, study and memorize God’s Word daily
  • Listen to podcasts that encourage and challenge you.
  • Walk or run daily
  • Eat better
  • Get involved in a church Bible Study or Sunday School Class.
  • Find some good Christian books to read and read a chapter a day.
  • Get an accountability partner

We have no idea what 2021 may bring, but God does. Not only does God know, but God wants to prepare us for the trials we may face. Our responsibility is to trust Him and discipline ourselves in biblical habits that God will use to guide us through this next year.

2021 doesn’t have to be a “bad” year. The choice is yours. Which option will you choose?

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.  Psalm 112:7