The Quiet Life

Welcome to this week's edition of Nuggetology, where we search the Scriptures for Biblical nuggets of wisdom.

This week's nugget is about striving for peace.

After you read, check out Thursday's podcast on Pursuing God and the most recent study on Hebrews. 👉 🎧 Apple / Spotify / Website

Now, here's a verse, a thought, and a quote for the week.

Verse of the Week

  “And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

Thought of the Week

I read these verses Wednesday evening as my dad was preaching and immediately knew I wanted to dig deeper. I love the phrase "study to be quiet." The Greek word for study is found only two other times in the Bible.

The other two times, this Greek word was translated as "strive" and "labor."

Paul wanted the church of Thessalonica and us to strive, labor, and work hard for a quiet life—a life of peace.

Quiet has the thought of peace, calm, rest, and satisfaction.

Paul uses a paradox to get his point across. Most who strive and labor are the opposite of quiet. The striving and labor invite stress into our lives, but he emphasizes the conscious effort it takes to live a quiet life.

The Quiet life is directly opposed to modern life today. A life full of strife and stress on one side and entertainment and excitement on the other.

The Quiet Life strives to make time to listen to God—the Quiet Life labors to avoid gossip and strife.

He concludes verse 11 with two keys to the Quiet Life.

  1. "Do your own business" - it means what it sounds like. Mind your own business. This doesn't mean we don't care for others, but we don't always have to give our opinion. We don't have to comment on every post. I saw a post this week that tore down a local coach. People rallied around a rebellious child and mocked a coach upholding school rules. I wanted to jump in and defend the coach, but I realized–it was none of my business. I had a better chance of ruining my testimony than I had of changing the minds of fools others.
  2. "Work with your own hands - The Quiet Life isn't sitting around reading books in silence. (which sounds peaceful) Hard work gives the inner peace of a job accomplished.

I've only touched the surface of the applications of this verse and never got to verse twelve.

I encourage you to do your own deep dive into the meaning and application of these verses for your life. There's a good chance I'll talk more about this verse on Thursday's podcast.

My new internal soundtrack is to strive for quiet.

How about you?

In what areas could you strive or labor that will, in return, give you a quiet and peaceful life?

Quote of the Week

 If God be our God, He will give us peace in trouble. When there is a storm without, He will make peace within. The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble.- Thomas Watson

Have a wonderful QUIET week!

P.S. Can you think of a friend who could use this nugget? Maybe forward them this email or share it on social media with all your friends.