Ordinary In the Hands of God.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, ~ Ephesians 3:20

What do you get when you take a few fishermen, a hated tax collector, a religious, possibly political zealot, and a handful of other men that we don’t even know what they did for a living they were so obscure? Would you guess the leaders of the first church?

What if I also told you that those same men saw 3,000 saved and baptized in one day and later 5,000. Oh…and can I add that one of them even denied Jesus three times a few months before and another guy doubted Jesus’ resurrection around the same time. 

I’m trying my best to show you how unlikely these men were to lead the church. How ordinary they were and yet in Acts 17:6 their own enemies admitted that these men had, “turned the world upside down.” 

How is that possible? The advancement of the church and spreading of the gospel was possible, despite the circumstances, because of the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. These men now indwelt by the Holy Spirit were filled (controlled, led) by the Holy Spirit and accomplishing what was humanly impossible. 

Here’s the good news…if you know Christ as your Savior you too have the indwelling Holy Spirit! You also can overcome circumstances and impact lives with the gospel as you yield to His leading in your life. 

That takes away our excuse. “I’m a nobody,” “I’m not talented,” “I’m not educated,” doesn’t matter. The real question is, “are you yielded to the all-powerful, indwelling Holy Spirit?”

Questions to start the week?

  1. What excuses do you make that hinder you from taking the next step in your walk with God?
  2. Do you sense when the Holy Spirit is leading you? Will the Holy Spirit ever lead against God’s Word?
  3. What can you do for Christ this week that takes you out of your comfort zone?