Love > Fear

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18 

One of the great feelings about having children is you finally get to become a superhero!

Well not in reality—but in the eyes of a small child we as parents are tougher than any fear they have. Darkness is overwhelming until mom or dad walk in and save the day!

Kids have all types of fears, but in the presence and arms of their parents, whom they love, fear is cast out!

Unfortunately, as adults, fear still is present. 

Our fears mature from darkness to day to day struggles as an adult (although snakes are still terrifying), but it still fear for an adult is overwhelming and the presence of mom and dad no longer makes it go away. 

Thankfully, as Christians we have a Heavenly Father greater than all our fears!

When we fall in love with God and wrap our minds around the overwhelming love God has for us fear is cast out!

Fear loses it’s power over us as we mature as Christian’s in our love for God and in our understanding of his everlasting love for us.