Let Me Reintroduce Myself

Hey Friends,

Maybe I should reintroduce myself.

I'm that guy who once visited your inbox on Mondays but has since vanished.

Because of that, your inbox guard dog is probably sending this email to spam for several subscribers because it is not a "frequent email."  😡

Anyway, I have a small podcast called Pulpit to Pew. In 2023, we are on a journey through the Bible chronologically. As we stop in a new book of the Bible, I give a simple overview of the book with some practical application.

I typically post on Thursday mornings, but lately, I've been bad at that too. Sometimes, they come Thursday night or Friday.

My excuse is my boys are obsessed with fishing–and so on Wednesday afternoons (recording days), we are knee-deep in local creeks pulling out small and largemouth bass like these.

It's probably best I haven't written lately. I'd be explaining how effective the Texas Rig with a 4-inch green pumpkin-colored crawdad is for catching bass.

If that is something you would follow along on, let me know. It will help me sway my wife into buying me a GoPro camera to capture these moments in the creek. The boys have already been planning what the YouTube page would be called. 😜

Journey Through The Bible

Now that I've reintroduced myself, let's catch up on what you actually subscribed to this newsletter for.

We are less than 100 days away from completing the Bible! If this is your first time reading through the Bible, I'd love to know and celebrate with you!

I've heard of some getting behind–no big deal! If you don't finish on December 31st, you won't be zapped by a lightning bolt from heaven.

The key is DON'T QUIT!

It's not easy getting through this Old Testament. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel have slowed many attempts to read through the Bible.

Also, don't be discouraged if you don't understand everything you read. No one does. You absorb more than you think, and you're learning the discipline of showing up each day to spend time with God.

What's Ahead?

We are about to cross the 20,000 downloads threshold. In December 2019, I got this wild idea to start a podcast, and this upcoming January will be FOUR years of podcasting.

I always begin thinking about next year's plans and goals this time of year. As you might have picked up on, listening to the podcast, I've been wrestling with whether or not to continue the podcast.

When I started the podcast, it was an outlet for me. I went from teaching and preaching weekly to nothing. I wanted to teach. I needed to teach.

I still desire to teach, but I am teaching at my local church. Has the podcast served its purpose, or is there room to grow? If there is room to grow as a podcast, am I willing and disciplined enough to produce good, helpful episodes?  

Welcome to the overthinking mind of Brad McClure. It's scary in here.  

Over the next few months, I'll be praying and asking God for wisdom and direction as I move forward.  

I'm considering a few other ideas, along with the podcast. This is just brainstorming...and watching hours of YouTube videos learning, but still...

  • Making YouTube videos again. (Remember the Lunchtime Nuggets?)
  • Making YouTube "shorts" that are 1-minute Bible devotional or educational.
  • Talking my brother into joining me on the podcast to talk

I probably have more ideas, but my mind is freezing up at 2:00 a.m. (I took tomorrow off work.)

Until Next Time

Well, I think it's about to happen. I'm actually going to hit send on this email. To be honest, for me, that's a big deal. I read and listen to many professional "newsletter people" who make this kind of thing their business.

They talk about how hard it is to get people to subscribe. 91 of you took the time to hit subscribe, knowing that I might interrupt your inbox weekly.

I don't take that lightly. I hope to improve these newsletters in the near future. If I can find a way to make you smile and encourage you in your walk with God, my desire for this newsletter will be fulfilled.

More is coming. Thank you for being a friend!

Until next time,
