Do you want to take a journey with me?

Welcome to the 82nd issue of Pulpit to Pew Crew Newsletter, I'm your Captain, Brad McClure, and we are about to set sail on a journey through the Bible in 2023.

This year I'm taking a journey through the entire Bible, and I want you to join me!

Here's what I mean by "JOIN ME."

  1. You can read along with me. If you want to read through the Bible yourself, join me on the YouVersion app. This link should take you to the chronological plan I'll be following.
  2. You can follow along with me. This year I'm planning on dedicating this newsletter and Thursday's podcast episodes to discussing this journey. Each week I'll anchor down to write and discuss the sections of the Bible I just journeyed through.

So, what about the book of Leviticus?

Yeah, I know...I'm still going to podcast about it. 😬

Ezekiel? Yep...

Minor Prophets? Yep, we are doing this!

Listen, I'm not saying I'm going to go deep on all of these books, but we will take this journey through the Bible, and each Monday (newsletter) and each Thursday (podcast), throw our anchors down and consider where we are.  

This could be an epic failure; I get it. Or it could be fun. 🤷‍♂️

I want people to love and study the Bible, and I believe a journey like this might help.

I plan on being raw and transparent on this journey. As we explore the Bible, I'll share with you what "tools" I'm using along the way.

We'll enjoy the familiar "sites" like David and Goliath and explore unfamiliar passages for hidden treasures.

So, what do you say? Are you ready for this journey in 2023?

There's plenty of room on the ship, so feel free to invite your friends and family to follow along on this journey.  

We set sail on January 1st.

Our first stop is in one week, right here in the newsletter.

If you haven't yet subscribed to this newsletter, hit this button, share your email, and let's take a journey through the Bible together.

This Week on the Podcast

Thursday: 4 Ideas to Help Improve Your Prayer Life in 2023

In this week's podcast, I summarize four things that helped my prayer life in 2022 and might help yours in 2023.

Sunday: A Solid Foundation

This week in my Adult Bible Study class, we finished up a mini-series on a few of the parables of Jesus by looking at the conclusion of Jesus' sermon on the mount.

Find out more here or wherever you listen to podcasts.

This Week on the Blog

Thought: 4 Ideas to Help Improve Your Prayer Life in 2023

Wait...Isn't this the same as the podcast title? Yep, this is the same four thoughts but written with some extra content.

Find out more here...

Merry Christmas

My email was finished a few days ago, and all I needed to do was hit send, but I couldn't.  I'm still sitting here this morning, thankful for this Christmas season.

  • Spending time with my family on Christmas Eve was great.
  • Spending Christmas morning with my wife and kids was great.
  • Our Christmas Day church service answering the question "What Child is This" was great.
  • Our afternoon lunch with my in-laws was great.  

There's just something about this Christmas I can't yet describe with words, but I feel it.   I feel so blessed.

Maybe words will begin to form, and I'll write a blog post about it, but for now, I want to say to you, my friends–Merry Christmas.

See you next Monday,


Christmas 2023