God, Search Me

What is Revival?

That’s the question someone asked me this week as they looked at an invitation to our Revival Meetings. 

That got me thinking–have we as a church become familiar with the routine of a Revival Meeting, but lack an understanding of what we are seeking? 

So, what is revival? 

First, let me get technical. The prefix re– has the idea of again. The word vive means life. (I told you we were getting technical–stay with me 😀) 

So, revive or revival means life again.

A physical revival refers to someone being restored back to physical life.

A spiritual revival is being restored to spiritual life. It’s getting back to the Spirit-filled life–the realization of all that you have “in Christ” as a child of God. 

It’s easy to tell when someone needs a physical revival–they are laying lifeless at your feet. But how do you know if you need spiritual revival?

I suggest we begin by humbly praying what David prayed in Psalm 139.  

“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

  • Am I seeing the fruit of the Spirit in my life or the works of the flesh?
  • Why do I do what I do? Are my motives out of love for God or duty?
  • Am I absolutely surrendered to do God’s Will in my life?
  • Am I seeing answers to prayer in my life?
  • Is there an eagerness for God’s Word daily in my life?
  • Am I seeing victory over sin or am I living in defeat?   

We are excited about this week’s Revival Meeting, but a revival in your life is your choice. Don’t wait for a meeting. Revival can’t be scheduled. Instead, choose today to draw nigh to God.

“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” (James 4:8)

This Week’s Podcast:

Let’s continue this discussion about revival over on the podcast. This week we a revival that took place in David’s life and answered this question. What is Revival, and do I need it?