Getting Through to God

Hey friends,

At the bottom under the heading "From Life," I have an important prayer request for a hurting family. Please take a minute to read.

From the Reading

"Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear." ~ Isaiah 59:1-2

It's the last day of July and day 212 in our journey through the Bible!

We've been anchored down in Isaiah for several days, and let's be honest–it's not the easiest book to read.

Still, we just read some great verses like the two quoted above that remind us that God is not unable to save or incapable of hearing our prayers.

What was hindering God's power and causing a disconnect in Israel's prayer life was their own sin.

They wanted to live in sin, but still have God jump to meet their needs whenever they called. They, like so many of us today, misunderstood God's holiness and hatred for sin.

Do you feel disconnected from God? Have you felt a disinterest or coldness in your spiritual life?

Start by examining your heart. Get honest with yourself about any sin keeping you from experiencing the relationship God wants with you.

From the Podcast

We are in the final weeks of our studies in Romans.

This last week, in Romans 14, we discussed how to handle gray areas in the Christian life.

The church in Rome had a mix of people in their services. Some felt like eating meat was sinful, others devoured meat daily. This was becoming an issue affecting the unity of the church, so Paul gave some principles to consider.

Is this a problem today in churches?


Maybe not meat eaters vs vegetarians, but you better believe it's an issue today. Here are a few:

  • Halloween and everything that goes with it.
  • Santa Clause
  • Facial Hair
  • How we dress at church
  • Should we go to the movie theater

and much, much more!

We don't cover all of these, but we examine the passage and the principles Paul gives on how to handle these "gray areas."

From Life

Most weekdays around lunchtime you'll find me at the Cloverdale cemetery parked next to my son's gravestone. As I've mentioned in the podcast, it's a time for me to walk, think, pray, and listen to books.

Today, it was a time to pray and cry. I cried for a family I don't know but for a family that is hurting.

Last night I heard the devastating news about a little girl, just five years old, that was struck in the head by a flying object in a freak accident at a horse race.

A friend of mine is related, and the last I heard, they were gathering at the hospital to say their final goodbyes.

The news brings memories of my son's death back from the depths of my heart. Fear over my own children and life's unexpected turns threatens to dominate my mind as I sit at work.

My heart aches for the family as I imagine their grief through my own experiences. It's a helpless feeling.

It's these moments that drive us to the question "Why." A question we may never get an answer to.

You don't know this family, and I know the situation seems to be heading for an outcome we don't desire, but would you take a second to whisper a prayer for this family from Illinois?

We know our God is a God of both miracles and comfort.

Thank you for your prayers.
