Fiery Darts

Hey Friends,

It's Day 352 on our journey through the Bible, and we are moving fast!

Since Thursday's podcast, we've read through Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, and today, Philippians. 😳

I'm not sure I'll be able to cover all of those in our next podcast, but I'll try to give a quick overview.

For this email, I want to zero in on one verse that we read.

“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” ~ Ephesians 6:16

This verse is a reminder that we are constantly under attack. Demonic forces under the leadership of Satan strive to weaken us through fear and unbelief.

Faith turns back the fiery darts.

This verse goes along with the recent study I've been doing on Wednesday evenings at our church—a study about Satan and the strategies he uses against us.

It's actually 1 Peter 5:8, but I haven't changed the slide. 😄

The study has been adapted from a book I read years ago by Warren Wiersbe. I say adapted; I think I'm actually using his actual rough outline for each lesson.

I love this study! Every time I teach it, it helps me again.

Saturday, I had a man who must be in his late 70s tell me how much this series has meant to him. He said he sits in his house alone all week and struggles with several of the issues we've discussed in the study.

Each week, we discuss the following:

  • What Satan TARGETS in our lives.
  • What WEAPONS Satan uses on us?
  • What's Satan's PURPOSE in these attacks?
  • What DEFENSES we have against the specific attacks.

I haven't posted these studies on the podcast, but you can watch the lessons on the church's YouTube page if interested.

Here's a quick link to services. This is a full service, so you may need to skip ahead about 15 minutes.

  1. Satan the Deceiver
  2. Satan the Destroyer
  3. Satan the Ruler
  4. Satan the Accuser (Coming December 20th)

Have a wonderful Christmas with your family!

I'm not sure if there will be an email next Monday, Christmas Day, but I'll be back to celebrate with you the end of our journey through the Bible the next week.

Happy Reading,
