Fellowship with God

Fellowship with God
Photo by Aleks Dahlberg / Unsplash

Welcome to this week's edition of Nuggetology, where we search the scriptures for biblical nuggets of wisdom.

This week's nugget focuses on the word FELLOWSHIP.

Before that–if you missed Thursday's podcast about the Beauty of God's Word, you can listen here 👉 🎧 Apple / Spotify / Website

At the bottom, I also shared a link to a new sermon I just preached.

Now, here's a verse, a thought,, and a quote for the week.

Verse of the Week

 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. ~ 1 Corinthians 1:9

Thought of the Week

Having grown up in church, the word fellowship takes my mind back to after-church meals with barbeque meatballs, chips and dip, and all the goodies in the church fellowship hall.

But that’s not the meaning of the Bible word. The Greek word for fellowship is "koinonia" meaning partnership, participation, and communion. It has the idea of having something in common.

So God, who is faithful and can be trusted, has called us into joint participation with His Son. He also gives us all access (things in common) to the resources in Christ.

With the calling of a faithful God and the unlimited resources of Christ available to us, why wouldn't we serve God?

The only reason would be if sin has robbed us of the sweet fellowship in Christ.

Quote of the Week

"God never withdraws from fellowship with us. It is we who withdraw from fellowship with Him. Often we have looked at the waves and listened to the winds, when we might have been walking with Christ on the waters." ~ Andrew Bonar

Has sin robbed you of fellowship with God? God hasn't withdrawn from you, and He's waiting for you to come back to Him.

Have a wonderful week!

P.S. Sunday evening, I preached about the Heart of Christ at our church. You can listen here.