Fear Not…

Fear Not…
Photo by Alex Shute / Unsplash



The study of Biblical nuggets of wisdom.

Happy Monday... fellow Nuggetologists.

On Thursday's podcast, I explained my obsession with the word Nuggetology and the verses that led me to invent it.

If you're interested or wonder why I called you a "Nuggetologist," you can listen here 👉 🎧 Apple / Spotify / Website

Now, here are this week's nuggets. I've mined a verse, a thought, and a quote just for you.

Verse of the Week

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. ~Isaiah 41:10

Thought of the Week

I was a nervous child. My parents weren't home yet one day when I got off the bus from school, so I stood by the woodstove crying my eyes out, thinking I missed the rapture and my parents were up in Heaven hanging out with the apostle Paul instead of caring for me.

I had a nervous stomach, leading to health issues by first grade due to my poor relationship with fear. I cried daily during the first few weeks of second grade out of fear of my teacher.

Yes, I'm a wimp.

Those fears eventually led me to our verse this week, Isaiah 41:10. This became my life verse during my teenage years, but that's not why I chose this verse to start the year.

Evidently, others struggle with fear also because, according to YouVersion, Isaiah 41:10 was the most highlighted verse of 2023. Also, my most listened-to podcast episodes all had the word "fear" in the title.

We, as humans, are prone to fear, and with chaos filling the headlines of our newscasts each day, people are looking for hope.

As Christians, we are not immune to fear, and God knows it, but we have no need to live in fear. God is our refuge.

In this verse, written to Israel but applicable to us today, God wants us to remember some essential fear killers:

  • His presence. “I am with thee."
  • His personal relationship. “I am thy God."
  • His power. “I will strengthen thee."
  • His protection. “I will help thee," & I will uphold thee."

Are you afraid?

God's with you. He loves you and wants you to give those fears to Him and trust Him to protect you through the storm.

Take some time, even now, to think about these four fear killers and pause to give God thanks.

Quote of the Week

“God’s strength and glory make Him able to help us, but it’s His love that makes Him say, ‘I WILL help you." ~ David Guzik

Spend some time exploring the riches of God's Word. Then, hit reply and let me know some nuggets you're enjoying.

One last thing. Do you know someone that's could use today's nugget? If so, consider hitting forward and sending them this email.

Have a wonderful week!