Putting DEVOTION back in your Devotions.

Last night, I experienced the power of the Word of God.

Let me explain...

A typical Sunday night for me involves church at 6:00 p.m.

One Sunday evening a year, we move our Sunday night service about 30 minutes away to join a particular conference raising money to help print and distribute Bibles across the world.

That was last night for us.

The service starts late (7:00 pm) and historically goes long (2 hours), so after a long relaxing afternoon, I headed to the service in a bit of a fleshly, sluggish mood.

The announcements were long, adding to my mood, but the music was phenomenal. I even joked with my brother-in-law that I'd follow if he took off running the isles.

After a couple of songs, they sat down. I was ready for more singing, but it was preaching time.

I had never heard of the guest speaker. His last name was "Dull," and I hoped he didn't live up to his name.

The message was a simple message centered around Psalm 119.

As he began talking about the context of the chapter (which I appreciated...I love context), he said things I was familiar with and had taught before.

His message wasn't only simple, but it was well prepared and delivered with passion, but nothing that would stand out as unique or unforgettable.

Reading this, you might think I'm trying to criticize the guy, but that's not my point. My point is this: As Pastor Dull walked through the text challenging us with the value of God's Word, I felt something happening deep within me.

It wasn't the Chinese I had for lunch but the Holy Spirit.

Sometime in the midst of that service, the Holy Spirit pressed through that fleshly heart of mine and said, "Hey Brad...you need this."

I gave some weak arguments back, but in the end, I sat there thinking things need to change. Things need to get better. I need more focus.

The discipline of reading is there. I'm on day 282 in our journey through the Bible, but the devotion part of "devotions" had slipped.

When I got home, I changed up my routine. Spent some extra time with God.

This morning, I set my alarm a little earlier to read instead of listening to my Bible reading plan.

It's one day, I know, but last night, God used a preacher named "Dull" to remind me of the value of His Word.

Have you lost the devotion part of your "devotions?"

If so, take a peek at Psalm 19 and Psalm 119 this week. Then maybe swing over to Psalm 1. God has bundled several promises around the command to meditate on His Word.

  • Want happiness? Get in the Bible. (Psalm 1)
  • Need stability? Get in the Bible (Psalm 1)
  • Want to be successful? Get in the Bible. (Psalm 1 & Joshua 1)
  • Want to mature as a Christian? Get in the Bible. (Psalm 19 & 2 Timothy 3)
  • Want wisdom? Get in the Bible. (Psalm 19)
  • Need encouragement? Get in the Bible. (Psalm 19)

Verses I'm thinking about this week...

Get wisdom, get understanding: Forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: Love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: And with all thy getting get understanding. ~ Proverbs 4:5-7

Have a great week.

See you Thursday with a new podcast!

Brad McClure

P.S. Take a sneak peek 👀 at my upcoming YouTube page. (and subscribe)