Continue Steadfastly

Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.  ~ Acts 2:41-42

There is something special about the day of your salvation!

The moment we, by faith, accept Jesus as Savior we gain a new family, an inheritance in heaven, a home in heaven, the Holy Spirit, access to God in prayer, daily sustaining grace…I think you get my point.

Salvation is special…but growing in Christ can be a challenge. 

In our verses above 3,000 individuals in one day had understood their sinfulness and received Jesus Christ as Savior. No doubt an exciting day, but the next verse contains two equally exciting words.

These new believers had “continued steadfastly.” In spite of challenges that came their way over the next months and years, these two words remained as their testimony. Here are some areas they continued in:

  • Sharing the Gospel (Acts 4:31)
  • Preaching and Teaching God’s Word (2:42a)
  • Loving others (2:42)
  • Giving Sacrificially (2:45; 4:36-37)
  • Serving Faithfully (Acts 6)
  • Praying (4:23-24; Acts 12)
  • Praising God (2:47)

As Christians, we will face opposition from Satan, this world, and our own flesh. A life of discipline and dependence upon Christ is the key to continuing steadfastly and growing as a Christian.

How are you doing? Have you lost your joy? Have you stopped in areas God wants you to continue in?

Below are some questions to maybe help you get out of the rut you might find yourself in spiritually and get you back to “continuing steadfastly.”

Questions for the week:

  1. What do you feel is holding you back from growing spiritually? (Note…it doesn’t have to be a sin it can be a distraction…example: Social Media)
  2. What actions can you take immediately that will help you be more disciplined in your schedule?
  3. Is there any sin you need to confess to God that may be hindering your growth as a believer?